Author Archives: thermotron11

About thermotron11

thermotron former employee holland michigan, Blasphemy, as defined in some religions or religion-based laws, is an insult that shows contempt, disrespect or lack of reverence concerning a deity, an object considered sacred or something considered inviolable. Some religions regard blasphemy as a religious crime.

holland Michigan thermotron management training

Embezzling is fun
by Guy Dumbastheycome
Submitted by Fred
January 12, 2022
Dave didn’t embezzler as much as his co worker John tembrink and Tom bannach and John sherman. But it was steady.
As Thomas bannach said all the people he knows is a fraudulent church goers who is a lier thief embezzler. Hil sybesma said he was working the system
Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door PDF

Download PDF

From Dr. Martha Stout’s influential work The Sociopath Next Door, we learned how to identify a sociopath. Now she tells us what we actually can do about it.

While the best way to deal with a sociopath is to avoid him or her entirely, sometimes circumstance doesn’t allow for that. What happens when the time comes to defend yourself against your own child, a ruthless ex-spouse, a boss or another person in power? Using the many chilling and often heartbreaking emails and letters she has received over the years, Dr. Martha Stout uncovers the psychology behind the sociopath’s methods and provides concrete guidelines to help navigate these dangerous interactions.

Organized around categories such as destructive narcissism, violent sociopaths, sociopathic coworkers, sociopathy in business and government, and the sociopath in your family, Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door contains detailed explanation and commentary on how best to react to keep the sociopath at bay. Uniting these categories is a discussion of changing psychological theories of personality and sociopathy and the enduring triumph of conscience over those who operate without empathy or concern for others. By understanding the person you’re dealing with and changing the rules of the game, you’ll be able to gain the upper hand and escape the sociopath’s influence.

Whether you’re fighting a custody battle against a sociopathic ex or being gaslighted by a boss or coworker, you’ll find hope and help within these pages. With this guide to disarming the conscienceless, Dr. Stout provides an incisive new examination of human behavior and conceptions of normality, and gives readers the tools needed to protect themselves.

Download Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door free book PDF

holland michigan pervert liar and embezzler thermotron training

Employee Review

“drummed out is common everyone is a manager”

Former Employee – Field Engineer in Dallas, TX
Doesn’t Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Thermotron full-time (More than 3 years)


You don’t have to know much. Only need a GED. For management. They are always looking for a snitch


Everyone is a snitch and a gossip. Church going backstabber. Remote office 4 sales drummed out 5 support staff in 3 years

Advice to Management

You can trust them as far as you can throw

thermotron training with Bill arvo — protect the liars and embezzlers and backstabber’s my buddy

Bill Arvo training at thermotron — Hell i was there 2 – management training thermotron

Bill Arvo – Satanic Salesman– he is an expertBill Arvo– Thermotron Former employee– sales guy– from 12 mile high

wellBill Arvo is something else–  yes because he graudated from 12 mile high– macomb community jour nor college–then getting a job at thermotron— as a salesman– he really became something– a chamber expert–

but he could not “fit” any where else–

ulp Fiction – “Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face!”– thermotron manager training


thomas bannach and thermotron management

Mark Lamers – The Greatest Man in the World– and Fred Plont training at Thermotron

Mark Lamers – The Greatest Man in the World– and Fred Plont training at Thermotron




when i talked to ENSECO they said well– we will talk to Fred Plont

Fred Plont career at thermotron consisted of ,

1.. falsifying your travel time (embezzling)

2… Falsifying your labor time (embezzling)

3.   Padding  your charges   (stealing)

4.. Take the customer to lunch!!

Hey —- it looks like Fred Plont’s job at thermotron was the same as Dean Tripp !!

or Hil Sybesma, and certainly like Gregory V Johnson—

and ENSECO fired — Gregory V Johnson– in about 3 months–

and they wondered how he managed to be employed at thermotron


under the management  thomas Bannach and roger Cannady and associates  for 3 years

— and all he was capable of doing — was changing solenoids??

Yes under thomas Bannach– his job was to lie cheat and defraud his co workers– steal and rob the customer’s and embezzle all he could.. rob the customers and steal every thing he could–


Virgina Norris the last office support personall — said she was quiting — because Thomas bannach and gregory v Johnson — told her they were going to harass and drum out — the remaining field service engineer–



Yes when Bill Bench at Russles technical Products said — Gee why did you leave thermotron–


When the reply was ” Thomas Bannach was lying and defrauding his co workers– and promoted robbery thief and embezzlement–


Bill Bench at russell’s Technical products –– got a bit “tongue tied” and studdered-— well we’ll try not to lie to you then–


and this was only possible for about a week–Image


then he told me working for him and Russles technicial products  “required” their field service engineers to lie cheat and defraud the customer when ever necessary!


so it was time to QUIT that job.. Because Jesus — is my LORD — not a holland michigan  church goer pervert


or a creepy white chackerImage


maybe that is why Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach–

only worked at thermotron for about a year !!

who know??   who cares??? no–one i met


Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little,

we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says “No

He’s reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is – smart.

It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what’s going to happen next.Hope things are well with you .Tom P.

interesting that jim r is with u.. because “Curt” who replaced bo bjarno.. said all he did at thermotron was walk around with a good grip on his ankles..

When we told chryel the 4th secretary that left the office, to mention to tom bannach .. that bo bjarno was drunk every day and it scared her..

thermotron bannach a liar thief and embezzler protector — gregory V Johnson -stealing is Funn!!

  1. Sideshow Bob’s Revenge Ep. 1: Armed Robbery

    • 10 months ago
    Sideshow Bob frames Krusty the Clown for armed robbery at the Kwik-E-Mart.
  2. Popular Videos – Sideshow Bob & Krusty the Clown

    1. 0:40Sideshow Bob Strength to Save Lisa!
    2. 4:16Krusty the Clown vs Sideshow Bob at Universal Studios Orlando
    • View full playlist (36 videos)

      thermotron former employee / fred plont that’s not my wallet/ training Reuben Swinkels’ Skills & Expertise X–

      thermotron training fred plont that’s not my wallet- Being a Good Former Employee

      ok start here

      and then — after thermotron — fiels service liar– slander– cheat– embezzler

      thermotron former employee.. BY—By… has-been’s are common at thermotron

      thermotron former employee.. BY—By…

      Being a Good Former Employee
      I am not going anywhere. If I tried to leave my job, particularly right now, I can think of a dozen people who would hunt me down and bring me back.
      So don’t take this as some kind of broad hint.
      I just thought about the issue of being the former employee because I had a very funny dream two nights ago where I went back to visit where I had worked at and was scolded by a former boss (who I happen to like a lot) because I was late to an event where they all dressed up in Revolutionary War costumes (go figure, it’s a dream, o.k.?). Jo, I’m sorry, next time I won’t be tardy!
      I’ve been a former employee a few times, and I have plenty of experience with former employees as well. The more closely entwined you were with the operation, the harder it can be to change roles.
      One new complication is that in our ever-connected, always-on world, moving on can be much more difficult. In the old days, you got in your car and drove out of the parking lot, and that, for the most part, was it. (Though even in Olde Tymes, not everyone excelled at being a former employee, as I illustrate below.) But now people who were in our lives before are just an email away (just as they were when you worked there). The former place of work is often visible right there on the Web, with frequent updates about new projects and activities. An instant message shimmers on your computer screen, and in the moment, it can be hard to remember that you aren’t back in your old office, your old role, your old job.
      Leaving is no longer just a physical act, a car door slamming and a wave good-bye; now it’s a commitment to shift your role to that of the former employee. You have to be intentional. It’s possible that’s really easy for you; but at least one of these tips might resonate.
      (I am only tangentially addressing the complexities of moving from a last job into retirement. We had a former editor at MPOW who did it all just right and moved on with a well-thought-out plan for her new role . She continues to be my role model. But that’s a post for another day.)
      So, Michael-Stephens-style, here’s my top ten list for former employees (or about-to-be-former-employees):
      1. No matter how you feel, go to the going-away party, say gracious things, and squeal over the presents. You will appreciate how cleansing this is. (Actually, I adore parties and presents under any circumstances, and have many fond memories, so definitely don’t take this point as a roman a clef. But I do speak from first-hand knowledge.)
      2. Make amends before you leave with anyone you were on the outs with. For rationale, see #1. This, I have had to do, and it was good.
      3. Do not breeze out of there with the cop-out,
       “Questions? Just call me!”
       Act as if you were traveling to another planet and would be unavailable for oh, say, a few million years; make it hard for them to need to call you for information.
       Document everything you do that isn’t obvious, including all your passwords and usernames, expiration dates, renewal notices, etc. Put it in a folder or binder or something else unavoidable. They may not use it (one former place didn’t open the binder for several months, until after emailing me they realized it really did have information they needed). Nevertheless, it’s the right thing to do.
      4. Clean your office. Take everything that’s yours.
      5. Return anything that’s theirs.
      6. Be sure to say goodbye to the people who made a difference: the accountant.
       The mailroom team. The UPS man who left little gifts at the holidays. The volunteer who showed up even on days like Christmas Eve and the Friday of a holiday weekend. The very young page who quietly showed up on time, shelved the books, and didn’t make a fuss.
      7. Remember you don’t work there any more. (This is a particular sticking point with some former bosses.
      In talking to other managers,
       I have detected a pattern, rare but real, of “About Schmidt” behavior, where staff have to tiptoe around former bosses who do not quite grasp the “former” part of their new status.)
      If you still live in the area, avoid “just stopping in,” at least for a while.
      (And if you think you can’t, interrogate your motives.) Even if you have plenty of time on your hands, don’t offer to volunteer; it might be hard to say no to you, and your motives may be more complicated than you realize.
      8. Watch your social interactions very carefully.
      Think before socializing with former employees. Likewise, if you were in a significant role and you are suddenly befriended by an employee from the former library, think through what’s going on. It could just mean that a former employee wanted to socialize with you and didn’t feel free to do so before, which is a benefit of moving on, but it might not be motive-free.
       Be careful about “casual” email exchanges, which might not be as casual as they appear. Above all, bells should go off if you are approached by staff asking you to offer your opinion on a workplace issue.
      9. Refrain from criticizing changes that take place, even if you vehemently disagree with these changes, even if these were changes you fought off for years. That means don’t complain publicly, don’t complain to former staff, and don’t complain to the former employer. You can write that long, excoriating email full of juicy bon mots about all the mistakes made in the current regime, but delete it before you send it.
       Then move on. If you find it hard to let go, remember that great line from Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: “Don’t look back, or you’ll turn into a pillar of s–t.”
      10. Every once in a while, check in to say you miss people, that the place looks great, that the new whatsis service is inspired, that you remember the good times, that you learned a lot and took what you learned to your new job or into retirement.
      If you’ve been a good former employer, they will be glad to hear from you, and you’ll feel good, too.

thermotron john tenbrink envirotronics managementtraining

thermotron family tradition teaching and modeling behavior

thermotron and john tenbrink.. family traditionThis Is THE Drinking Song!
“Hank ~ Why do you drink? (to get drunk!)
Why do you roll smoke (to get stoned!)
Why must you live out the songs you wrote? (to get rich!)
Stop and think it over
Try and put yourself in my unique position
If I get stoned and sing all night long
It’s a family tradition!”

culam13 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0
Reply its “to get laid” not “to get rich”

03FordBlown (1 month ago)
Marked as spam Reply You Don’t know about Hank.

This is good country not that shit they play on the radio stations.
This Is All about drinking and having fun. Smoking & Drinking FTW.

o8oedo8 (1 month ago)
Reply I’m pretty sure at 1:30 he snorted a line of coke on the drum platform and danced a quick kick ass jig right after.

HELL bound.. behavior to model at envirotronics and john tenbrink.. he got his training at THERMOTRON with Bob less wiley

ya johnny boy will teach u how 2 go to Hell.. and will model that behavior..

now he is a sales guy at envirotronics.. lets go 2 the bar and talk BUSinESS

Ya sure.. a drunking song.. when john tenbrink was a working DRUNK in kansas he convinced a woman 2 marry him.. and as marty rich .. said .. at ENSECO .. “john called her the BITCH.. all the time.. I THOUGHT THAT WAS HER NAME!!”

1 more time

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sympathy For The Devil

thermotron has a lot 2 offer.. just pay the $$

after the 1st 500 times it gets easer!!

Kaya is relaxing by the pool when Taylor walks over to give her a sensual massage. They start kissing and she tells him that he can have her whenever he wants. Just as things start to get really hot, she wakes up to the sound of a lawnmower outside her window. Damn, it was only a dream.

training at THErMOtRON

get your training at THErMOtRON…

Thursday, August 21, 2008

running with the devil.. embezzling is easy

Embezzle TIP #248:A way to make extra money at thermotron.. is to buy a round trip ticket on 1 job.. and return with a 1-way fare.. on another .. job..

as tom bannach would say.. just “bury” that expense

running with the’s toutch N Go

(but U didn’t hear it from Me)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008




A thermo- chamber-salesman was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.

Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel’s. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.

Much to everybody’s surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.

The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it.

“Easy,” says the thermo-sales-man. “Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window.”

“Wow,” says the man at the bar. “I gotta try this.” He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death.

“Goodness, Super THERMO-sales-man,” says the bartender.

You can be a real a jerk when you’re drunk.”

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Make it HARD on them respect my authority !!

tom bannach would call up co workers and tell them to harress and MAKE IT HARD 4 THEM.. and lead them astray to get them 2 do something WRONG !!


hell i worked at thermotron were U there

we found a WITCH.. (looks like 1)


LOOKS like 1.. management is a hard job.. when everyone is an idoit.. buttttt

look at what control.. U have!!… BURN themmmm .. burn them…..

and the Holland michigan Whores.. nod their head… and say ..yes sir!!

i didn’t what 2 lie .. but …they told me 2…

Monty Python The Holy Grail

Psychic / Medium Chip Coffey

“Atlanta based psychic, medium, paranormal investigator and writer”

54 years old
Atlanta, GEORGIA
United States


Kelli and her husband Riley are frightened in their coastal Oregon home. They are plagued by a headless apparition and often hear mysterious noises that resemble cries for help from the dark corners of their house. It’s an intense case and the PRS team calls in psychic/medium Chip Coffey and energy specialist Michelle Belanger to join the probe. The team ends up unraveling a grisly theory behind the haunting that gives both Kelli and the entity a chance to move on, all while PRS team member Heather has a very unique paranormal experience of her own.


thermotron family tradition teaching and modeling behavior


thermotron and john tenbrink.. family tradition

This Is THE Drinking Song!
“Hank ~ Why do you drink? (to get drunk!)
Why do you roll smoke (to get stoned!)
Why must you live out the songs you wrote? (to get rich!)
Stop and think it over
Try and put yourself in my unique position
If I get stoned and sing all night long
It’s a family tradition!”

culam13 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0
Reply its “to get laid” not “to get rich”

03FordBlown (1 month ago)
Marked as spam Reply You Don’t know about Hank.

This is good country not that shit they play on the radio stations.
This Is All about drinking and having fun. Smoking & Drinking FTW.

o8oedo8 (1 month ago)
Reply I’m pretty sure at 1:30 he snorted a line of coke on the drum platform and danced a quick kick ass jig right after.

HELL bound.. behavior to model at envirotronics and john tenbrink.. he got his training at THERMOTRON with Bob less wiley

ya johnny boy will teach u how 2 go to Hell.. and will model that behavior..

now he is a sales guy at envirotronics.. lets go 2 the bar and talk BUSinESS

Ya sure.. a drunking song.. when john tenbrink was a working DRUNK in kansas he convinced a woman 2 marry him.. and as marty rich .. said .. at ENSECO .. “john called her the BITCH.. all the time.. I THOUGHT THAT WAS HER NAME!!”

1 more time


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sympathy For The Devil


thermotron has a lot 2 offer.. just pay the $$

after the 1st 500 times it gets easer!!

Kaya is relaxing by the pool when Taylor walks over to give her a sensual massage. They start kissing and she tells him that he can have her whenever he wants. Just as things start to get really hot, she wakes up to the sound of a lawnmower outside her window. Damn, it was only a dream.


training at THErMOtRON


get your training at THErMOtRON…



Thursday, August 21, 2008

running with the devil.. embezzling is easy


Embezzle TIP #248:

A way to make extra money at thermotron.. is to buy a round trip ticket on 1 job.. and return with a 1-way fare.. on another .. job..

as tom bannach would say.. just “bury” that expense

running with the’s toutch N Go

(but U didn’t hear it from Me)


Tuesday, August 19, 2008





A thermo- chamber-salesman was sitting at a bar whose selling point was that it was on top of the largest skyscraper in town.

Another man walks in and asks the bartender for a Jack Daniel’s. He downs it, and then takes a running leap out the window.

Much to everybody’s surprise, he floats back up and climbs through the window back into the bar.

The man at the bar is amazed and asks the man how he did it.

“Easy,” says the thermo-sales-man. “Outside this window are some very strong wind currents which can carry you back to the window.”

“Wow,” says the man at the bar. “I gotta try this.” He takes a running leap out the window and falls to a horrible, bloody, and flat death.

“Goodness, Super THERMO-sales-man,” says the bartender.

You can be a real a jerk when you’re drunk.”

HA HA HA.. as Shelly said in parts

it was just politics !!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Make it HARD on them respect my authority !!

tom bannach would call up co workers and tell them to harress and MAKE IT HARD 4 THEM.. and lead them astray to get them 2 do something WRONG !!



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

thermotron and “the slow roll”


the motto at thermotron is screw U guys i M going home


Monday, August 4, 2008

Who do 2 SERVE


SATAN worship .. is really popular .. with tom banished.. because it is OK 2 lie cheat and steal.. so long as U say… GOSH .. DAn Okeefe is a hard guy to worship.. and follow..

Thomas Bannach
Holland, MI
View Profile Email Me

Saturday, August 2, 2008

dish it out..


You can’t keep a good lie down

The long-discredited petition against global warming seems to be getting another run – presumably it is circulating somewhere in the wilder reaches of the blogosphere. tom bannach’s pet , gregory v johnson gave it a run in yesterday’s SMH, in a piece loaded with errors and inventions.

his basic complaint is that efforts like the petition, Consensus and so on, are unfairly attacked . Leaving aside the fact that these dishonest stunts deserved to be attacked, tom bannach is the last person who has any right to complain about excessive vitriol in debate. He can dish it out, but He can’t take it, apparently.

Topics: Environment |
<Check out this video: Evanescence – Everybodys Fool

Friday, August 1, 2008

How to Deal With THERMOTRON Backstabbers

How to Deal With THERMOTRON Backstabbers

They might say they’re your ‘best friends’, but the moment your back is turned,
they lie about you to others.

No one wants to be hurt in this way, but how do deal with them?. Perhaps the following tips can help.

[edit] Steps

All backstabbers share a common denominator;

they all want something from you.

Whether it is money, homework, a house to trash, your computer, your style, practically anything, varies from person to person.

Be aware of your surroundings.

If you have a bad feeling about somebody, listen to your instincts!

Pay attention to red flags.

If somebody betrays you, don’t trust that person again without extensive consideration.

If the other person doesn’t have friends of his or her own, there may be a reason. Perhaps other people know something that you don’t.

If someone is mean to you one minute and nice to you the next, there is definitely something wrong.

If someone is too aggressive or tries too hard to sell you on something, he or she is likely setting you up.

Trust your real friends. They’re here to help you.

Notice the other person’s work ethic.

If he or she is lazy and irresponsible, stay away from the person as far as anything that requires hard work goes.

If you work hard, he or she will use you in a heartbeat!

Notice how he treats things you care about. For instance if you really care that your room is clean, and after you’ve explained this to him he still comes over, throws his backpack on the ground, takes his shoes off in the middle of the room and so on; this means he doesn’t really care about you.

Try to detect from an early stage what the backstabber is interested in sucking from you.

If the backstabber persists in pestering you, either ignore him or tell him dispassionately that you do not want to do (insert activity here).

Be polite, but extremely firm. If they detect a weakness in your firmness, they will try as hard as they can to puncture it.

[edit] Tips

Get away from these people as soon as possible and convince others not to associate with them.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

If somebody seems shady in any perspective, ask them about it but pay close attention to their answers.

More often than not, they will try to pull one over you.
There is a difference between friends and acquaintances.

This means that even though he might be fun to talk at in classroom or at lunch, he might not be the kind of person you would like to hang out with after school.

Don’t rely on the backstabber for anything; even the tiniest of things. In this way, you will avoid situations where you owe him/her a favor. This technique takes patience, practice and goes completely against your better nature.

The backstabber will get the hint and move on the next sucker/victim.

Also do not tell them any secret that you want kept hidden, as they will tell it to another one of their “friends” the moment it will gain them something.
Treat him/her like you would any other snake.

Be polite when in his/her area but keep to the path, and maintain your distance.
Make sure not to reduce to his level by saying untrue and bad things about him behind his back (this is a huge no-no!) as it will only spur him to action against you.

When seeking justified revenge from the backstabber, take time to closely observe their antics and policies.

When the opportunity comes along- fool them into their own game but do it with style and grace.

Make sure you’re not going against your own values and self-worth in the process.

[edit] Warnings

Never let the backstabber know that he/she has gotten to you.

Do not underestimate his power.

Try not to offend or hurt him, but be merely polite and refuse him anything he asks that you are not willing to give.

Do not get angry when he backstabs you. Realize from the start it will happen eventually.

Don’t form any deep relationship with him. He’ll suck you dry.

Be careful when you talk to backstabbers, they might be recording you.

Don’t talk to the backstabbers friends, they could be spies.

holland michigan christian whores — on the job training at Thermotron and ??

holland michigan christian whores






The world and the Christian church are quickly witnessing the creation of a “god’ that all unholy men can worship.

There is an invasion into the church of this “god”.

He is Christian in appearance in holland Michigan without being Christian in Biblical theology.

His is a kind of hybrid Christianity with a pious facade that already has millions of church members quickly offering their souls.